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Project "net_network" focuses on person’s estrangement and isolation from society as a means of emotional defence. Proponents of philosophical movements such as Cynicism and Stoicism supported emotional self-sufficiency as a means of relieving pain. However, is there a way for someone not to be influenced by Others?

Through this process it was clear that a trap could be transformed to a medium of communication. The effort to approach Cynicism, through notes, is flattened by the process since the need for expression always guides communication.

The lasts remains of this work are actually a repeated description of a pattern of small quadrangle shapes. Each description coincides with an array of thoughts, at the moment of their conception. By the end of process the pieces become a net, which represents the concept of commitment. The sense of commitment of the framework is replaced by network.

The project aims to highlight the connection between the concepts of net_network. These two seemingly-opposed concepts are essentially interdependent and so a potential alternative way to manage the net is enough so that a new networking and communication attitude emerges.



This final stage of the project “Net_Network” is a performance piece. This piece is the last part of the exploration process between the concepts net and network. More specifically the "colourful nets" represent a given moment in the past that encompasses thoughts and feelings of isolation. The nets are not isolated in space and thus they create a non-linear composition of net or network. How an individual can interpret those two concepts depends on one's individual perception.    


process of series

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